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Emergency Normalcy Fund Process Update

  • Service teams will continue to submit ENF documents for Start-up Funds and regular requests for review and approval to the Regional Coordinator.  

  • Upon approval, agencies can expend the funds. Please keep in mind that the items being purchased for the participant are allowable. For example, buying a TV as a furniture/household item is not allowable and will not be reimbursed.


·                  Document in SACWIS AL approval of the expense and any engagement with the participant in purchasing or shopping for the approved items.​


·                  Upload proof of payment in the participant's most recent Bridges Review.​

·                  If the participant does not have an open review, please go ahead and upload it in the initial plan or assessment.​


·                  Complete Invoice in SACWIS​

·                  For startup funds, please use (Housing Startup, Furniture Startup, Household Item Startup)​

·                  Document in the comments section where proof of payment/receipts is located in the case record, e.g., Bridges Plan, if the review still needs to be created.​

  • Denote in an Activity log the following:

  • Approval or denial of the ENF request.

  • Total start-up costs and activities associated with expending the funds with the participant.


  • This process will be effective 12/1/124. Guidance will be available and uploaded to the portal soon. We will also review the new process during the December Regional Meetings.

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