Please complete and approve invoices 5- business days before the 10th of each month. For the 11/10 payment batch, the October invoices must be completed by 11/4/24. The approval due date document is attached to the email and will be added to the portal.
For invoices that require state approval, ex. exceed the ceiling amount, please go ahead and select approval again and submit them to ODCY for review and approval.
Although admin payments and maintenance ceilings are pro-rated, in the event the participant terminates within the month and the service provider expends the total amount of funds, for example, $1288, the total amount can be invoiced. ODCY must approve the invoice to ensure the agency is reimbursed the total amount.
For SACWIS emails related to invoicing, the SACWIS team is aware of this and is working on it. If you're using Outlook, a folder can be created to filter SACWIS emails.
SACWIS Invoicing Office Hours
· SACWIS Invoicing Office Hours are scheduled on the 21st and 28th from 10 to 11 a.m. It is a great opportunity to ask questions and receive technical assistance. The meeting dates, times, and links are listed below.
· October 21st, 2024 from 10-11:00 am
· October 28th, 2024 from 10-11:00 am