The SACWIS team identified an issue where payments have been placed back in a "declined for rework" status after adding a new Bridges reimbursability record for a young adult. This issue will impact the payment batch scheduled for 12/10 unless the below guidance is followed. The issue will be corrected in the next Ohio SACWIS release, currently scheduled for 12/19. For now, we have identified a workaround that requires a couple of extra steps from you to ensure you receive the payments you would expect on 12/10.
What we are requesting from you all before December 10, 2024 (and as close to 12/10 to ensure you receive all payments expected):
It is recommended to hold off on adding any subsequent reimbursability records, unless it is for a change in housing, until the next Ohio SACWIS release, which is 12/19/24.
Follow the below actions in Ohio SACWIS to re-submit maintenance invoice line items before 12/10:
In Ohio SACWIS, please select the following:
You will be automatically directed to the Declined Invoice Records
Click “Edit”
On the Service Details Section
Click “Calculate”
On the Reimbursed Service Tier Section
New Status: Select Re-submitted” in the drop-down menu.
Click “Save”
No action is needed for any withdrawn Admin Payments as the batch process will automatically recreate these line items.
To verify your re-submissions, you can run the Invoicing report by completing the following steps.
In Ohio SACWIS, please select the following:
Financial/Invoicing/Search Invoices
In the Search Invoice Criteria Section
Select “Declined for Rework” in the Status dropdown.
Click “Search”
On the Invoice Search Results Screen
Select “Invoice Search Report”
Click “Go”
Your Invoice Report will generate for review
All re-submissions will be reviewed and approved by your supervisor. No action is needed for any withdrawn Admin Payments, as the batch process will automatically recreate these line items.
Again, this must be completed as soon as possible.