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Some State CARES Act Funding to Be Released

Governor DeWine announced a package of more than $419.5 million CARES Act funding will be allocated to help Ohioans impacted by the pandemic. This funding was approved by the legislative Controlling Board on Monday, October 26.

Of this funding, there are significant allocations for children and families, vulnerable populations, small businesses, and more:

  1. $50 million to Ohioans with an annual income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level to help pay for bills related to rent, mortgage and utilities. Starting November 2, 2020, Ohioans will be able to apply for assistance through their local Community Action Agency. A list of agencies can be found at

  2. $125 million to small businesses with no more than 25 employees. Every business that qualifies can receive $10,000 to pay various expenses.The application for the Small Business Relief Program will be available November 2, 2020 at

  3. $100 million to higher education, funding can be used for critical services, COVID-19 testing and mental health services.

  4. $25 million to nonprofits. Only nonprofits that have not yet received CARES Act funding will qualify.

  5. $62 million will go to rural and critical access hospitals as the state continues to combat increasing hospitalizations due to the coronavirus.

There is still $480.5 million remaining in theCARES Act state share. Governor DeWine has said he and legislative leaders are trying to address the most pressing needs while holding some money back "just in case".

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